Volunteers are Bay Shore Seniors Bread and Butter
It’s that time of year, when under normal circumstances we would be getting together to celebrate all our volunteers. We would have a beautiful spread of lite food, and scrumptious desserts, along with games, laughs and at the end of the event – celebrate our Volunteer of the Year. Unfortunately, we are still not able to gather and celebrate under the restrictions of CoVid 19; So….
I’m Celebrating Virtually with YOU!
Can You Guess Who I’m Celebrating?
A place to gather your thoughts. The ideal spot to enjoy nature. This job often serves as a reprieve from the outside world. While enjoying the scenery, the process itself might be easy, but it takes a lot of hard work, backbone, and sweat to actually create this place. Whether you’re a blossoming beginner or an established pro, there’s always something new to learn. Have you guessed who I’m talking about?
These gals work hard behind the scenes in the midst of the blistering hot days of summer, and the cold days of Fall quietly every Friday from Spring to Fall beautifying and making our Oasis in the backyard a beautiful place to visit.

What a spectacular performance our garden made at our BBQ at the end of August, all due to the hard work, and passion these ladies put into it! We will present your award at our NEXT General Meeting! Fingers crossed – November????
Continue Staying Safe, Happy and most of all Healthy!