Travel News

Hello Travellers!

This is a friendly reminder that payment is due for the Oct 23rd trip to see My Fair Lady at the August 13th General Meeting. You can pay your $25.00 non-refundable deposit in cash, and the remainder can be paid by cash or cheque. We have heard it is a great show and has been close to selling out shows! If you have considered joining us, today is the day. It is always a great day out with friends!

We are also accepting the $25.00 non-refundable deposit for the Christmas trip.

For those who signed up and those who were thinking of signing up for the Quebec trip, we inquired about what the side trip would be, and here are the outings:
– Visit Les Jardins Aromes and Saveurs (a lavender and herbs garden) and Miel de Chez-Nous (a honey house and boutique) on the 2nd day
– Visit to Que Seme Recolte (a Cider House / Orchard / Maple Grove / etc) on the 3rd day

While we have these outings planned, please note that they may change if any unforeseen issues arise. We are committed to ensuring a smooth and enjoyable trip for all our participants, and we will keep you updated on any changes.

We hope this information helps, but unfortunately, we must know by the meeting day to give our final numbers. The prices are based on 15 passengers.

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