Sept. GM – Tues. Sept.12th at 2:00 p.m.

Our next general meeting is September 12th at 2:00 p.m. I promise it will be a much shorter meeting than last month. Thank you to those members who attended last month’s AGM. We did achieve our quorum.


We still have two positions to fill, so please attend the general meeting so we can wrap up this year’s process and swear in the new Executive. Hope to see you Tuesday.

Your Nomination Committee.

Travel News

It’s hard to believe we are entering the last few weeks of summer, and next Wednesday, September 13th, we are off for the Trip to Niagara Falls and the Tunnel tour!

We ask that you arrive at your pick-up point 15 min before departure and check in to get your seat number.

Bay Shore departure time: 8:00 am                                Elmvale departure time: 8:15 am

Also, as a reminder, please bring a light jacket, as the tunnel will be cooler than the surface temperature and your walking shoes. Also, a small umbrella as the weather forecast for that day shows showers are possible.  We will have some water on the bus but ask that you bring your own.

If you have any questions, give one of us a call!  We hope you have a wonderful time, and thank you for supporting your club and the travel committee!


Sandy will have a table at the general meeting to collect membership. If you plan on renewing, get it in this month. It will save the committee from having to call over 100 members. Your membership will be terminated if we don’t have your renewal by September 29th. Thank you!

Your Membership Committee

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