I’m very excited to let you know one of our members, Wendy Vandergrient, is interested in teaching us QiGong Tai Chi. Is there an interest in taking a four (4) week class in September?
QiGong Tai Chi is flowing low-impact, slow, continuous, gentle movements. It is a moving meditation that helps improve balance, strength, and breath while enhancing concentration. It is primarily done standing but can easily be accessible for all fitness levels, including a chair option. Participants wear running shoes and comfortable clothing.
The time slots Wendy would be available for teaching are either Monday or Wednesday. I’m trying to fit Tai Chi into our schedule. Times I’ve come with are Monday mornings at either 10:00 am or 11:30 am or Wednesday mornings at 11:00am. We will see what is most popular and if we can move some activities around.
This is for both men and women. Let me know if you are interested and which time slot. Send an email to info@bayshoreseniors.ca.
Thank you,