If you enjoy gathering with others to play games, we have a variety to choose from. The cost is just a toonie, ($2) and there’s a 50/50 draw for a loonie ($1). Most activities run from September to May, and we also have a Christmas celebration and an end-of-season banquet. New members are always welcome.
Card Games
We offer friendly and popular card groups that are open to everyone. It’s a great way to socialize and make new friends.
Bid Euchre
This group meets on Tuesday nights throughout the year. New members are always welcome, and experience is not necessary. If you enjoy playing cards, come out and join us!
The Bridge players meet every Wednesday throughout the year. Players of all skill levels are welcome. Cash prizes are awarded, and new members are always welcome.
Cribbage is finally started. This card group meets on Thursday nights at 6:30 pm from November to May. Everyone is welcome, regardless of skill level.
Darts are held on Thursday afternoons from September to April. It’s a fun afternoon, and skill level is not important.
Both men and women are invited to participate in our pool games. Join us every Tuesday and Friday morning in the library/pool room. The atmosphere is friendly, and we always welcome new players.
Indoor Shuffleboard
Join us every Friday from September to May. After each game, some people sit out and allow alternative players to participate. Four games are usually completed before the tea break and chat.