Varathaning the Floor
What a huge three-day weekend for our guys. Along with our regular crew, Bill, Don, Gord, Art and Greg, Phil Hamlet came in in response to our email to help sand. He stayed for the day to help out.
Thank you, Millington’s three (including daughter) and Sandy Baker, for offering your assistance for Sunday. The guys decided that was too much work getting members on their hands and knees, so Don rented a vibrator sander. The concern was our lines for Shuffleboard and Pickleball. It looks like the lines are fine, if not more visible. Phew!
Greg, Don, Gord and Bill returned the furniture and inspected the floor for any missed spots that needed to be touched up.
Lynn dropped in Sunday and took over the vacuuming. She also went next door and got coffee and a treat to tie the guys over.
What a fabulous job. I went over to take a look. It really looks beautiful.
Thank you very much, Greg, Don, Gord, Bill, Phil and Lynn. A huge job was completed. And, thank you, Sandy and our Millington three, for offering your assistance.