Update to Fall Activities Schedule

Here are some updates to our Fall Activities Schedule:

QiGong Tai Chi – tomorrow, October 3rd, is our last class. Thank you, Wendy, for teaching us QiGong. Everyone who attended enjoyed it immensely and got a lot of benefits from the classes, looking for more. Thank you for the links you sent us to continue. We hope to see you back next Spring to teach us once again. 

VON Smart Exercise – Back to Friday mornings at 9:30 starting October 14th. I know a number of you will be pleased to see exercise back in the mornings.

LifeStyles –  Starting this Wednesday, October 5th, with our annual walk at Heritage Park in Elmvale. As you can see, we are anticipating a beautiful day. And, isn’t that Marilyn in the lead? Our regular classes will begin at the Club Wednesday, October 12th. See you there!

Table Tennis/Ping Pong Anyone – Table Tennis is cancelled Thursday, October 6th, resuming Thursday, October 13th again. We will see the turnout and decide whether to continue this activity.

Nordic Pole Walking – Pole Walking is cancelled for Friday, October 7th, resuming on October 14th. We will see at that time whether to continue depending on attendance.




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